Tips on How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation and Enjoy Longer and Better Sexual Performance
An ejaculation that takes place shortly after penetrating a woman’s sexual organ will not cause satisfaction to her but distress. Anxiety and a lower self esteem might also be felt by a man who frequently faces this issue on every sexual activity he engages.
Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is perhaps, one of the biggest quandaries that man would want to overcome.
According to studies, statistics show that 1 out of 3 men experiences premature ejaculation and this can occur at all ages.
Surveys also showed that a percentage of men in certain age brackets are dealing with undesired premature ejaculation. When in sex, it is like they reach their orgasm too early that they are not able to play and satisfy their sexual partner.
Premature ejaculation is indeed a dilemma to some men.
So to overcome this, there are certain penis exercises and techniques that help beat premature ejaculation. These are the so-called Jelquing and Edging.
Jelqing Technique
These exercises are just easy to perform as this will only need no other devices but your hands. To do the Jelquing technique, you just simply need to hold your penis at the base and then slowly slide up your hands. This technique helps a lot in making your penis less sensitive to quickly reaching sexual climax.
Aside from that, you also get to enjoy an increase of the length and girth of your penis since doing this exercise, you allow blood to run and circulate through the penis.
Edging Technique
On the other hand, the Edging technique is like an advanced masturbation. You just need to masturbate and make sure you do not reach orgasm instantly. This is somewhat an exercise to help you have full control of your mind and body. Thus, through doing this over time, you will eventually overcome the extreme ejaculation urge.
Moreover, frequent masturbation can also be of great help in being able to have full control of your orgasm. All you need to do is to set your goals. Thus, never allow ejaculation to come quickly.
Take full control of your orgasm through controlling your mind as well as the tingling sensation you feel while masturbating. It is also essential that you not only stimulate the shaft of your penis, like what most men would do. Instead, stimulate also the head since that is the most sensitive part of your penis and therefore, needs to be stimulated frequently so that you can learn your own technique or way out from quick ejaculation.
Sexual Positions
Sexual positions also have an effect with how a man can control the ejaculation. That is why another technique or method in controlling the orgasm is to have less sensitive sex positions with your partner. The missionary sex position or the man-on-top position is considered as a highly popular overused sexual position that is very much sensitive and is mostly associated with those men who claims to frequently experience premature ejaculation.
The missionary position contributes increased muscular tension to men as in this position; the entire weight of the body is supported. With this, there is a less probability that a man may be able to control his orgasm.
Thus, premature ejaculation is not impossible when doing this type of sexual position. Instead of always doing the missionary position, it is advised that men who has a problem in dealing with premature ejaculation should try the female-on-top or female superior position, side to side position or also called as spooning, and the rear entry or popularly known as the doggy style.
It is distressful and disturbing if premature ejaculation occurs quickly. It is not only that a man may not be able to bring his partner to her orgasm but also, this causes depression or anxiety to most men especially that this is all about satisfying both their sexual urge. So to men who experiences this sad dilemma, do not think that there are no solutions for this.
All you need to do is to follow simple penis exercises, eat healthy foods which are rich in antioxidants that can help stimulate or maintain good sexual health and lastly learn some simple sexual techniques that could help you take control of your orgasm.
So what methods have YOU used to prolong ejaculation? Share in the comments below!
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