New Updates: Safe Penis Enlargement Product Reviews & Best Male Enhancement Supplements And Recommendations For 2025!
I know why you’re here… It’s because like most guys, you’ve already figured out that the saying “size doesn’t matter” is complete and utter baloney! Size does in fact matter to the large majority of women, and it matters a whole lot!
So where does a guy turn to get some extra size where it counts? Is there a “magic pill” out there that can actually increase penis size? Is there a top secret method that really works?
Well, that’s exactly what I am going to share with you in my many male enhancement reviews, and it might not be exactly what you were hoping for. Although I do think you’re going to like what I have to share with you, so let’s get to it!
First, let me quickly go over what male enhancement pills are, and why real male enhancement reviews are important, since this
industry as a whole can leave a very bad taste in your mouth if you don’t know what you’re getting into, or listen to the wrong person.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of penis enlargement pills out there that make some pretty bold promises. Heck, you probably have a few product offers in your email inbox right now! Well, the truth of the matter is that most of these pills are completely useless, and in some cases harmful!
In fact, with all the different enhancement pills out there, only a small number of them actually produce real results.
This is because anyone with an internet connection and a few thousand bucks can simply pay an overseas pharmaceutical company to package and label a fake male enhancement product for them.
Within a month or two, they’ll have their very own male enhancement pill ready to sell (with who knows what actual ingredients they are made with).
They simply add some fancy packaging, and some slick marketing, and they are in business. To be honest, it’s downright scary!
Talk about the exact opposite of safe penis enlargement! You need to conduct proper research to know if you’re getting a legitimate product, and is the exact reason why I decided to make my own male enhancement reviews for various ‘safe penis enlargement’ products on the market.
Why Male Enhancement Reviews are Important & What Makes a Good Product…
- Ingredient profile must be based on actual research
- Must follow the advice and guidance of real doctors who actually understand how each ingredient impacts the human body and sexual function.
- They must be made of high quality raw materials, and produced in an FDA approved facility, (not some random lab overseas)
- Genuine male enhancers should be independently studied (both scientifically and clinically) in a certified lab and/or a trusted university.
People end up with crap results, waste their hard earned money on bogus supplements that don’t work, and it ends up giving the entire male enhancement industry a bad name!
With all the scams flying around, you need advice from someone who knows this industry for what it really is, and knows what really goes on behind the scenes…
That’s where I come in…

I am so glad that your researching has led you to my website. I have been a sexual health researcher since the late 1990’s, and have been involved in the production, testing, and distribution of male enhancement products over the years.
I’ve seen dozens of penis enlargement products come and go, as well as ingredient profiles change dramatically!
However, one thing is for certain. I know how to distinguish the real products out there from the complete BOGUS products out there.
I have personally tried just about every single safe penis enlargement method under the sun, so I understand what it’s like when you’re searching for a solution that actually works. I also know what it’s like to waste hundreds of dollars on complete baloney! That’s why I created this male enhancement review site to fully review the safest options that are available in today’s market.
You’ll see from my male enhancement reviews that I hold nothing back. The Good, the Bad, or the downright UGLY! This is because I am not a representative of any company. This website, “Safe Penis Enlargement dot com” is independently owned.
I’m simply here to share what I’ve learned over the years to help you with your male enhancement goals, whether it is to increase the size of your penis, greatly improve your sexual stamina, or even just have more fun in the bedroom. The best part, is that you can actually achieve penis enlargement in the comfort of your own home!
Unlike other so-called review sites out there, my small team and I actually purchase and test out a lot of the best male enhancement supplements on the market. We also sometimes purchase and provide free products to men (not from our team) in exchange for their honest feedback.
We take many factors into consideration when reviewing each product, and pass that knowledge on to you, giving you the upper hand when making your buying decision. The most popular items tend to be penis enlargement /male enhancement pills, with extenders and water-based pumps a close second.
So, What Makes a Good Penis Enlargement Pill Anyway?
First of all, there is a common misconception about penis enlargement pills, mainly due to tricky advertisements we commonly see in this industry. The truth is, penis pills actually do increase the size of your penis, but ONLY while ERECT!
This happens through increased natural testosterone production, and nitric oxide boosts in the bloodstream.
This increase in blood flow adds to the overall size, as well as gives you better timing & control, much more intense orgasms, and makes you last longer in the bedroom (AKA: Stamina). Long-term permanent results require adding in some manual penis stretching exercises or the use of a penis extender, and/or a water-based penis pump.
Using one of these effective devices along with regular supplementation of penis enlargement pills, definitely speeds up the growth process.
So, What Makes the Best Penis Pill? Some Questions to Ask Yourself…
- Does their product contain high quality ingredients, sourced from a legitimate supplier?
- Is the manufacturer reputable?
- Do they supply lab test documents on their site?
- Do real doctors endorse their product / products?
- Do they offer an unconditional 100% money back guarantee with no “strings” attached?
- Can you verify their address and contact information?
- Do they use synthetic ingredients or safe all natural ingredients?
We’ve concluded that these 3 pills are the best and most effective male enhancers currently found anywhere on the market:
Top 3 Penis Enlargement Pills for 2025!

Add Size of 1-2 Inches &
Noticeably Thicker Erections
- Natural Ingredients
- No Side Effects
- Money Back Guarantee
- Medically Proven
- Endorsed by Doctors
- Clinically Tested
- Helpful Bonuses

Add Size of 1+ Inches
Fast Acting & Firmer Erections
- Natural Ingredients
- No Side Effects
- Money Back Guarantee
- Medically Proven
- Endorsed by Doctors
- Clinically Tested
- Helpful Bonuses
First Time Here?
If it’s your first time here at Safe Penis Enlargement, I invite you to browse the top menus and right sidebar to check out our detailed male enhancement reviews on the best at-home safe penis enlargement products available in today’s market.
We review the latest male enhancement supplements, including pills, oils, creams, penis extenders, exercise programs, patches, water-based penis pumps and more.
We also show you how to spot the various male enhancement “scams” that unfortunately are common in this industry. You may also visit our ‘About Us’ Page for more information.
All men want a bigger penis and to have pleasurable sex all the time. The difference, is that some men actually go out there and start the process of growing their penis, while others wonder about it secretly and never even make a conscious effort to get started.
A small or average penis is something that many men have to live with, but not everyone needs to endure this problem forever!
We review safe penis enlargement products & have male enhancement product reviews which are designed to help you make the right choice when wanting to enhance your sexual satisfaction as well as help increase the size of your penis.
When you browse our menu at the top of the site, you’ll be able to see our top penis enhancement pills (like VigRX Plus and Extenze), penis patches, and top of the line penis extenders to see what best suits you, as well as other various male enhancement products.
Is there Such a Thing as Safe Penis Enlargement Products?
The main question we get, and see asked all the time (and the reason for this website), is “Is penis enlargement safe?”
Well, the good news, is that safe penis enlargement is in fact very achievable. All of the products we recommend are safe, have been tried and tested, and share only the best solutions to solve impotence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and of course, an increase in your penis size.
Even if you measure up at an average penis size, every man wants to know how he can improve his performance and get larger. We also show you which enhancement methods you should avoid, and explain the risks involved in penis surgery or phalloplasty.
You’ll also find out why we rate some types of penis pumps as very dangerous and others types as beneficial. Find out what the dangers are and what alternatives you can try to make a safe and effective difference in your sex life.
With many of our detailed male enhancement reviews we provide, the products we review all come with 100% money back guarantees. Each one is a bit different as far as terms, but we cover that too.
If a company doesn’t honor a solid guarantee, how can they claim to provide guaranteed penis enlargement? They may in fact have something to hide. We take that into consideration as one of many factors before recommending a safe penis enlargement product or male enhancer.
Our ultimate goal is to help you determine which penis enlargement / male enhancement methods best suit your needs, whether it’s pills, water based penis pumps, or traction devices. Enlarging your penis at home is possible, you just need to learn the facts, and start the process.
Bookmark us and come back often, as we will be adding new male enhancement reviews as well as informative male enhancement articles covering topics from general men’s health, all the way up to safe penis enlargement products and at-home penis stretching / exercise methods.
NOTE: We have been getting a lot of questions regarding the popular male enhancement pills known as Extenze, so in an attempt to answer everyone’s questions about Extenze in one place, you can now read our full Extenze Review Here.
The Safe Penis Enlargement Team Wants Your Feedback!
If you have any questions, or would simply like to leave feedback on a specific male enhancement product or method that you’ve tried, you can contact our staff here.
Also, be sure to visit our male enhancement blog for plenty of articles related to men’s health and sexual function. (In addition to penis enlargement!)
Thanks again, and welcome to “Safe Penis Enlargement’ Our Review Site!
– Simon, and The team