Trying To Get A Bigger Penis? You Definitely Want To Keep Track of Your Progress by Measuring your Penis the Right Way!

measure penis sizeWhenever you are considering using any type of male enhancement product, the number one thing you will need to do is keep track of the results you might be getting.

If you do not keep track of the results then how can you hope to know if the product is working or not.  So measuring your penis is of the utmost importance, and this can be done very simply.

You’ll have to measure your penis size as it concerns the girth and the length. This will have to be done when your penis is erect as well as when it is flaccid. Doing it this way will serve to give you the most precise measurement, any other way and you really cannot trust the results.

Male enhancement products often disappoint a lot of men because they did not know the correct way to measure their penis. So measuring your penis size correctly is extremely important.

You must remember that your male member is not some inanimate object, so increasing your penis size needs to be done safely and simply measuring it is no different.   Your penis is comprised of various body tissues that are able to contract and expand based on several factors.  Room temperature is one of them; if it is very cold then when you measure your penis size, it will probably be somewhat smaller.   Also, whenever you expand too much energy your penis may become smaller.

relaxVarious psychological factors can affect the size of your penis, such as stress, anxiety and other problems.

When you’re able to measure your penis correctly, you will begin to look forward to it believe it or not. And as soon as you think about it blood will begin to flow to your corpora cavernosa. So the best thing for you to do would be to try and relax before you are about to measure your penis.

Nothing much is required in order to get you ready. You really do not need to think of sexual thoughts, just the anticipation of seeing the results you want to see.

Measure Your Penis Size from the Side of Your Penis!

Whenever you are measuring your penis in either state whether it is the flaccid state or the erect state, you want to do your measuring from the side while you are standing up.

When you do this you will be able to look down at your penis and keep it extended in front of you during the process.  You will now want to stretch the shaft of your penis, because you do not want to give yourself the illusion of having results that are not there.

All you want to do is simply position it with your fingers so you’re able to get an accurate assessment. When it comes to measuring the girth of your penis you want to measure it at the very middle of your male member. You want to use the same spot you always use when you measure your penis.

Because when you use the same spot you will be able to get a more accurate reading of any results you might or might not be getting.

Here’s a Pretty Funny Video About Measuring Your Penis Correctly

Write Down your Results!

So what are some other ways you that can help you track the size of your penis when you are using male enhancement products? A very good way would be to keep your results written down somewhere.

You can decide to use a notebook, a logbook or even keep track on a computer program.  When you do this you will be able to keep track of any results you are achieving, and you will also be able to measure at what type of pace the process is moving along.

Take measurements regularly to not only help keep you motivated, but to also see your real results!  We would love to hear about your penis enlargement tracking.  (No need to use your real name if you don’t want).

So, please share with everyone in the comments below!

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